Acupuncture in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
Acupuncture is used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses, both physical and emotional. The focus is on improving the overall health of the person. This includes Body, Mind and Spirit in other words your WHOLE person rather than isolated symptoms or parts of the body.
CHRONIC PAIN, MUSCLE SPASMS, INFLAMMATION, FROZEN SHOULDER, SCIATICA, MIGRAINE, IBS, CHRONES DISEASE, SKIN PROBLEMS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ARTHRITIS, BACK/NECK/JOINT PAIN, INFERTILITY/GYNAECOLOGICAL, PMS, ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS, FEAR, GRIEF AND ANGER to name just a few, are all symptoms of an underlying energy imbalance that can be treated successfully with traditional acupuncture. We may also offer you Electro Acupuncture for stubborn pain. When you attend our clinic in Bury St Edmunds for acupuncture you will be asked to fill in a very comprehensive medical form, stating past and present illnesses, you will be asked questions about your lifestyle, your family history and what may to you seem unimportant and unrelated questions but these questions are designed to give us an overall picture of you and they do help us with our treatment of you. You will then be given a consultation by Mrs Baker-Purnell and after getting undressed your diagnosis continues with pulse taking and tongue diagnosis. The pulses are taken from the wrist area, (you in fact have twelve pulses relating to twelve major meridians and organs), you will then be asked to show your tongue, which gives more information about you and the state of your health. Your treatment then commences, remember even if you only come to us with a painful big toe you will still be asked to undress so that you may be treated holistically and needles will be inserted at various sites around the body, even a painful big toe is usually the sign of an imbalance of energies in the body. You will require in most cases several weekly treatments or even twice weekly in certain cases, because Acupuncture is cumulative and one must allow for that accumulation to take place to gain the most effective and long lasting treatment. The treatments are spread out as soon as an improvement is seen. Please remember though that we do not do "courses" of treatment, each case is individual. However In most cases you can expect an average of about eight to ten weeks of treatments before they are spread out. Remember our aim is to help you feel better and eliminate or alleviate your health problems, resolve emotional issues to help you become stronger, healthier and a happier person and to improve your quality of life. Prices are £55.00 for the first treatment and then £45.00 for subsequent treatments. Opening hours Tues to Fri 9.30-5.30pm |
Mrs Dorothy Baker-Purnell
M.B.Ac.C. D.H.P. M.A.P.H.P The Needles 2 Pine Leys Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 6EG |
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